2011, Number 1
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Pediatr Mex 2011; 13 (1)
Psychosocial factors associated with overweight and obesity in children aged eight to fifteen years
Aguilar NHJ, Pérez CP, Díaz LGE, Cobos-Aguilar H
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 17-23
PDF size: 250.53 Kb.
Background: Role’s evidence of psychological and social factors in childhood obesity varies in the literature.
Methods: We realized in the IMSS HGZ N° 4 a matched-pair case-control study by sex and age in 130 overweight children from 8 to 15 years old; the 130 controls were school children; we evaluated associations between overweight and psychological, social, biological and environmental factors and OR, 95% CI and multivariate logistic regression model was made.
Results: We evaluated the psychological and social factors, only we determined association when the child had a divorced mother OR 2.06 (95% CI 1.81-2.34).
The factors in multivariate analysis were: overweight and obesity in mother OR
a 2.41 (1.38-4.21), obesity in father OR
a 1.87 (1.04-3.34), don’t take the breakfast OR
a 3.09 (1.24-7.68), see TV more than 6 hours by day OR
a 4.15 (1.07-16.12), sleep less age-recommended OR
a 2.22 (1.3-3.78).
Discussion: International studies report association of psychological factors and obesity in teenagers.
Conclusions: In our study, didn’t found association between psychological and social factors and overweight in children from 8 to 15 years old.
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