2010, Number 2
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Cir Plast 2010; 20 (2)
Psychological impact of immediate breast reconstruction in patients undergoing mastectomy for breast cancer
Morales OJM, Rodríguez SA, Sosa JF, Ruiz ER
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 73-77
PDF size: 220.18 Kb.
Breast cancer is the most frequent neoplasm in females and the major cause of mortality in our country in women between 40 and 55 years old. Immediate reconstruction surgery after a mastectomy improves or avoids emotional disorders. The objective of this paper is to determine the psychological impact of immediate breast reconstruction after mastectomy in women who have had breast cancer. We included 30 patients divided into three groups of 10 patients. The first one was the control group (healthy); the second group included patients with breast cancer who underwent immediate reconstruction after mastectomy, the third group included patients with breast cancer but without reconstruction. All patients completed the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression. In patients from Rec group it was applied before and after the reconstruction. Chi-square test and analysis of variance were applied to obtain the final results. Depression and anguish states decreased to mild levels in patients that underwent to immediate breast reconstruction after mastectomy and their self-esteem was similar to the control group. Immediate breast reconstruction after mastectomy helps reduce emotional disorders in patients with breast cancer.
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