2010, Number 4
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2010; 11 (4)
Salud bucal y hábitos alimentarios en estudiantes universitarios
Cisneros EMA, Tijerina GLZ, Cantú MPC
Language: Spanish
References: 25
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The oral diseases are most common of all the diseases of the industrialized societies, in spite of great improvements in the oral health of the population, for the Public Health and the social odontology, this continues being an important problem in the society. Between the factors conditioners of the oral pathologies we emphasized the styles of life of the individuals, such as hygienic and dietary habits, the problems of oral morbidity play an important role in the panorama of Public Health, as the pathologies of greater prevalence we found decay dental, gingivitis and periodontal diseases, in addition to anomalies dentomaxilares. The WHO indicates that one of each ten individuals has the totality of its dental pieces.
Objective: To determine the relation between the situation of Oral health and the dietary habits in students of the Faculty of Odontolgy. In August to December of the 2009 in 111 students of 9no semester was determined the DMFT, the IHOS and the IP-Russell, in addition to positive the dietary habits; was used Excel 2007® and 9 Statistix ® for the statistical analysis. One was that 66,67% of the population belonged to the femenine and 33,30% to the masculine, with an average of 22,09 ± 2.02 age; the 9,09% of the studied population are free of decay, the average of DMFT found in the study population was of 9,73 ± 5,16, the IP-Russell was incipient showing to a value average of 0,29 ± 0.25; the OHI-S found average was of 0,78 ± 0,48 that represents a good oral hygiene. In reference to positive dietary habits the average was of 7,04 ±1.89, that is constituted like good condition. It was determined that a significant association to 95% of confidence between positive the nourishing habits and the indices exists oral epidemiologists of DMFT (p= 0,0017), OHI-S (p=0.03). In reference to studies made in similar populations in Latin America and Spain, shows that our results confirm the it is observed that our results confirm the assertions made evident by these to indicate a significant association between dietary habits and DMFT and OHI-S. By another side, we observed that there is no difference between the studied indices of oral health between genders
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