2010, Number 594
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Rev Med Cos Cen 2010; 67 (594)
Síndrome compartimental por envenenamiento ofídico. (manejo de fasciotomía con terapia vac)
Alfaro OE
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 405-415
PDF size: 796.88 Kb.
Compartmental syndrome is a severe local complication of some poisonous snake bites, which can lead to severe functional repercussions in the extremity and at a systemic level. Poisonous snake bites of the Viperidae Family produce local and systemic manifestation which if not handled properly can lead to serious complications and even death. Fasciotomy has become the treatment of choice in compartmental syndrome but its use and possible complications have created a series of controversies. The use of a fasciotomy in poisonous snake bites along with a VAC therapeutic system is the management of choice of infected and necrotic wounds, stimulates the granulation of the tissue and the contraction of the wound permitting its closure in a shorter time period.
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