2010, Number 1
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Rev Med UV 2010; 10 (1)
Smoking and oral cancer: A theoretical review
Nachón GMG, García-Rivera ME, Nachón-García FJ, Hernández-Parra TG, Hernández-Lira G
Language: Spanish
References: 57
Page: 30-37
PDF size: 321.25 Kb.
Smoking is a chronic disease caused by the habit of smoking, being nicotine one of its main active components and accountable for addiction. In addition to nicotine, tobacco contains substances such as: N-nitrosamine, N-nitrosonornicotine and 4(Methyl nitrosamine)-1-(3-Pyridyl)-1-Butanone, which are accountable for, mainly, the origin of the pre-malignant and malignant processes in the oral cavity. The tendency of smoking in Mexico is that it is started each time at a younger age, an increase in the prevalence of women and a higher consumption in the rural area. It is associated to respiratory diseases, cancer in oral cavity, larynx and esophagus, among others. There are different oral manifestations in smokers being squamous cell carcinoma the malignant neoplasia that is more frequently found in the oral cavity of smokers. The most effective diagnostic method is biopsy. The treatment of the disease is varied and it almost always involves the combination of surgery (when possible), radiotherapy and chemotherapy, in addition to these therapies having side effects to the patient. The Stomatology plays a fundamental role in the early diagnosis and the prevention of this disease, given that it is his task to detect any lesion in an incipient state therefore simplifying treatment and improving the quality of life of the patient, however, much more important than detecting the lesion it the prevention of its occurrence by guiding the population and fighting the risk factors. The objective of this article is the theoretical revision of the association between tobacco and the existence of oral cancer.
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