2010, Number 94
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Rev Enfer Infec Pediatr 2010; 23.24 (94)
Amebic liver abscess complicated with abdominal and thoracic rupture
Rodríguez HR, Carbajal RL, Zarco RJ, Perea MA, Pérez FL, Lizarraga LS, Bernal MMA, Campos RT
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 64-68
PDF size: 430.02 Kb.
The hepatic amebiasis is a serious manifestation of disseminated infection, occurs in less than 1% of infected patients, it can turn into a complicated condition ehen it gets broken towards the peritoneum, thorax or through the skin. The diagnosis of amebic liver abscess is performed with clinical data, liver image and serological tests. Here is described the case of a girl of a two years old female patienr with amebic liver abscess complicated with intraabdominal and thoracic rupture.
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