Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 29-32
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The present study is observational, prospective, descriptive, open and transverse type and it has sources of direct information.
They were included all patients from 0 to 6 months age old that you went to the consultation of Urgencies Pediatric of Hospital Ignacio Zaragoza.
The were the patients that didn’t receive maternal milk and to those bigger than 6 months of age.
For the gathering of data a questionnaire was used that it included age, sex, the feeding type from the birth and if the patient was fed with maternal milk, the cause was determined and he/she wondered if the mother was hard-working and if she had received information. The obtained data were compared to each other and analyzed with the statistical method Chi square.
681 patients were included, of which 352 were fed with maternal milk and 329 were fed with industrialized milk. Of the 329 patients it was mentioned as the main causes of abandonment.
To the little production of milk and being son of hard-working mother, with a non significant rate of p-0.05.
The other mentioned causes were:
• Sick mother and sick son.
• The patient is not satisfied.
• Mastitis.
• An reject to the maternal milk.
• Embarrass gemelar.
• Plane nipple.
This causes showed a rate statistically significant p + 0.05.
Concluding that to be hard-working mother’s son or to have little production of maternal milk, doesn’t justify abandoning the nursing.
In Mexico, a legal mark that protects the hard-working mother exists.
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