2010, Number 3
Specific risk factors to each type of nosocomial infection
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 91-99
PDF size: 165.04 Kb.
Nosocomial infections are complications of hospital origin. They may appear alone or in combination, they share some risk factors, but each type of nosocomial infection has its specific risks.OBJETIVE. To demonstrate the association of the specific major risk factors to each nosocomial infection type.
METHODS. Cross-sectional study from 1st July, 2006 to January 31, 2008. We included patients who developed nosocomial infections, identified by the Epidemiological Surveillance System Hospital (ESSH). We investigated the risk factors associated to nosocomial infections: age, use of probes and catheters, invasive procedures, mechanical ventilation, tracheostomy, chemotherapy, haemodialysis and others.
ANALYSIS. simple frequencies, measures of central tendency, x2 Mantel Haenzel and multiple logistic regression analysis.
RESULTS. 46 767 discharge patients. The ESSH identified 2 650 with nosocomial infections. The average per patient was 1.65 nosocomial infections, with a total of 4 390 nosocomial infections: pneumonia 24.6%, bloodstream infection 16.1% and urinary tract Infection 15.7%. The associated risk factors for pneumonia were: older than 65 years, mechanical ventilation and intubation. For bloodstream infection: central catheter, neutropenia, chemotherapy, haemodialysis. For urinary tract infection; catheter bladder, use prophylactic antibiotics.
CONCLUSIONS. It’s required to watch that the Surgical and Medical Care Procedures be realized with attachment to the manuals, good clinical practices, hygiene and disinfection.
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