2010, Number 2
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Arch Med Fam 2010; 12 (2)
Sexual Satisfaction Among Female Users and Non-Users of Contraceptive Methods
De Jesús OJ, Ocampo BP, Shibata MR
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 51-56
PDF size: 111.74 Kb.
Objective: To compare the sexual satisfaction of female users and nonusers of contraceptive methods.
Material and methods: Observational, comparative and cross sectional study. Non randomized sample of 150 women of childbearing age and sexually active, users and nonusers of contraceptive methods. Sexual satisfaction was identified through the Sexual Intimacy scale of the couple. The statistical analysis used χ
2 test and Fisher exact test.
Results: 82% of those surveyed stated to be using any contraceptive method: IUD (32.5%), Pill (17%), bilateral tubal occlusion (15.4%), condom (12.2%), contraceptive implant (9.8%), Patch (8.2%) and vasectomy (4.9%). Sexual satisfaction was identified in 97.3% of them, as long as they were qualified as satisfied the total of the non users. No statistically significant differences in sexual satisfaction expressed among female non-users and users.
Conclusions: We identify sexual satisfaction in a high percentage of the women interviewed, though this condition is not thought to be associated with the use of contraceptive methods.
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