2009, Number 4
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Arch Med Fam 2009; 11 (4)
State of the Art of Domestic Violence in Mexico
Espinosa-Torres F, Fernández-Ortega MA, García-Pedroza F, Irigoyen CA
Language: Spanish
References: 84
Page: 171-188
PDF size: 145.38 Kb.
In this paper, we present an updated and comprehensive analysis of Domestic violence (DV) in Mexico. It describes the types of DV identified in the literature and sets forth the main factors associated with this phenomenon. It presents the main statistical data to illustrate the social, economic, and human relevance of DV in Mexico and worldwide. Finally, some guidelines are mentioned for an interdisciplinary program of prevention, treatment, and control of DV in which health personnel -especially Family Physicianswould play a leading role.
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