2009, Number 2
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Arch Med Fam 2009; 11 (2)
Content Validity of an Instrument to Identify Family and Personal Crises in Family Medicine Resident Physicians
García VA, Ponce RRE, Quiroz PJR, Sánchez ELE
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 64-77
PDF size: 121.70 Kb.
Objective: To identify personal and familycrises in Family Medicine Resident Physicians through the proposal of an instrument with content validity.
Materials and Methods: Observational, descriptive, and cross-sectional study performed between November 2006 and February 2007 at a Family Medicine Unit of a public institution in Mexico City. A group of experts in Family Therapy carried out the content validation of an instrument based on the Slaikeu questionnaire, which was applied to 52 Family Medicine Residents. The instrument was composed of 35 questions divided into six sections and was evaluated by means of the proposed scale and with or without acute crisis. Correlation was performed between questionnaire sections and the presence of crisis.
Results: We found a correlation of 0.403 (p = 0.002)between satisfaction and the feelings experienced during residency in the presence of crisis. A total of 42 residents had seizures, four with normative and 36 with non-normative crises, while two residents did not specify the type of crises they experienced.
Conclusions: It is imperative to change the habits of and to effect major modifications in the daily activities of residents entering the specialization course in Family Medicine. Notwithstanding this, these did not prove to be a relevant factor for the presence of personal and familial crises in residents.
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