2006, Number 3
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Rev Mex Cir Pediatr 2006; 13 (3)
Hiperamonemia as complications in patients with Bowel Syndrome Short
Ortega-Salgado JA, Bacarreza-Nogales DV, Castillo-Aguirre AI, Ceballos-Zamora C, Mata-Miranda P
Language: Spanish
References: 83
Page: 117-131
PDF size: 126.13 Kb.
Introduction: The causes and deleterious effects of the hiperamonemia in patients with short bowel syndrome (SBS), it has not been described. We studied and described the causes and related disorders involved in the elevation of the ammonium as well as their implications.
Material and Methods: One carries out a study of cases. Complications, mortality, ammonium levels, longitude of the residual intestine, albumin level, etc. were gathered.
Results: Patients with hiperamonemia were 18 of 25 cases with SBS. In the multivariate analysis using multiple lineal regression, the variable that was correlated significantly with ammonium levels was the longitude of the residual intestine (p = 0.009). The main cause of hepatic dysfunction was the cholestasis 83% of the cases with hiperamonemia that was present in all the cases with residual intestine ‹ 100cm.The patients with albumin ≤ 3 mg/dl has 27 times more risk of dying than those with albumin levels › 3 mg/dl (p = 0.02 (Fisher) ).
Conclusions: It is important to avoid massive intestinal resection as well as once made it, prevent the hiperamonemia in the risk group (residual intestine ‹ 100cm.) is important.
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