2009, Number 4
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2009; 30 (4)
Extradural spinal neoplasms. 15 years experience at the Instituto Nacional de Pediatría
González-Sosa E, Anaya-Jara M, Marhx-Bracho A, Rueda-Franco F
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 216-219
PDF size: 220.53 Kb.
Background: We analyzed the features of extradural spinal tumors eith spinal cord compression, in patients treated at the Instituto Nacional de Pediatría (INP), Mexico City.
Material and methods: A retrospective, descriptive study was made, all the medical records of patients with the diagnosis of spinal neoplasm with compromise to the spinal cord were reviewed; we included patients from 0 to 18 years old treated at the INP between January 1992 and January 2007. Variables studied were age, gender histopathological findings, surgical procedure (laminectomy vs laminotomy), extent of tumor, surgical resection, adjuvant treatment (radiotherapy or chemotherapy), postoperative course, survival, and surgical complications.
Results: A total of 23 patients were analyzed, 12 (52.1%) were male and 11 (47.8%) female; age range was from 1 month to 15 years, with a mean of 63 months (5.2 years). There were 7 cases of primitive neuroectodermal tumors; 6 with Ewing’s sarcomas; 4 with neuroblastomas; 2 with ganglioneuroblastoma; 2 with rhabdomiosarcoma; one case of malignant schwannoma and osteochondroma respectively. The site of the tumor in 10 patients was at the thoracic region; 6 in the lumbar region; 5 in the cervical region; 2 in the sacral region. Overall mortality was 21.7% (5 deaths).
Discussion: We emphasize the importance of an early diagnosis for the adequate treatment of these patients.
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