2009, Number 2
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2009; 30 (2)
Predisposing factors for dental caries in girls at an orphanage of Mexico City
Camacho GA, Camacho E, Rodríguez RA, Guillé AJ, Juárez HM, Pérez MG
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 71-76
PDF size: 56.97 Kb.
Introduction: Caries is a microbial disease in which teeth mineralization and integrity are compromised. The purpose of the study was to determine the prevalence and associated predisposing factors for dental caries in a population living in a government-operated girl orphanage.
Methods: Dental examination was performed in eighty-six girls 6 to 11 years of age and a questionnaire was applied to assess oral hygienic habits of the girls. The sum of decayed, missing and fi lled teeth in the primary (deft) and permanent (DMFT) teeth was also assessed.
Results: A total of 90.7 % of the girls had caries in both dentitions. The deft was 5.65 ± 3.35 and the DMFT was 0.51 ± 0.82. Most of the girls (62.8 %) showed poor oral hygiene, with a toothbrushing frequency of once per day. To the question: “How many times do you eat something sweet between meals?” 44.19 % answered more than 10 times per day. The present study found that defective oral hygiene, toothbrushing once per day and consumption of more than 6 sweets per day are predisposing factors for the presence of dental caries.
Conclusions: A preventive program especially focused on these 3 factors should be implemented, creating awareness that caries is an important public health problem in our country. Programs for dental cleaning and prompt attention of caries should be included.
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