2010, Number 2
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salud publica mex 2010; 52 (2)
Emergency contraception in Mexican students
Leyva-López A, Chávez-Ayala R, Atienzo EE, Allen-Leigh B, Ramírez-Villalobos D, Yunes-Díaz E, Rivera-Rivera L
Language: Spanish
References: 41
Page: 156-164
PDF size: 142.21 Kb.
Objective. To evaluate emergency contraception (EC) knowledge and use as well as identify factors associated to correct EC knowledge among public schools students in Morelos, Mexico.
Material and Methods. Cross-sectional study conducted in 2003-2004 in a sample of 1 550 students (ages 14-24). Logistic regression was used to identify factors associated to EC correct knowledge.
Results. Among all, 40% were men and 60% women with an average age of 19 years. Sixty percent have heard about EC, nevertheless, only 45% have correct knowledge about it; 3% of sexually active students (43%) reported its use. Factors associated to EC correct knowledge are: being a woman (
CI 1,33, 2,06), being sexually active (
CI 1,43, 2,18), middle income (
CI 1,04, 3,37), living in a semi-urban zone (
CI 1,02, 1,77), drinking alcohol (
CI 1,42, 2,22).
Conclusions. In Morelos, adolescents’ knowledge of EC is scarce. Specific messages regarding its correct use are necessary.
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