2009, Number 3
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salud publica mex 2009; 51 (3)
Satisfaction of patients suffering from type 2 diabetes and/or hypertension with care offered in family medicine clinics in Mexico
Vladislavovna DS, Pérez-Cuevas R, Zepeda-Arias M, Flores-Hernández S
Language: English
References: 28
Page: 231-239
PDF size: 146.28 Kb.
Objective. To evaluate the satisfaction and the factors related to dissatisfaction in patients suffering from type 2 diabetes and/or hypertension with care offered in family medicine clinics.
Material and Method. A secondary data analysis was conducted. Main outcome measures were two indices of satisfaction: family doctor-patient relationship (FDPR) and clinic organizational arrangements (OA).
Results. Approximately half of patients (
n=1 323) were satisfied with care. In the FDPR index the items “kindness of the family doctor” (FD) scored high, while the lowest score was for the items: “the FD allows the patient to give an opinion about his/her treatment,” “the patient understands the information” and “the FD spends enough time on the consultation.” As for satisfaction with OA, the items “cleanliness of the clinic” and “ease of administrative procedures” obtained the lowest scores. In the logistic regression analysis the covariate “negative self-rated health” and “type of institution” were associated with dissatisfaction.
Conclusions. There are aspects of the FDPR and OA that reveal dissatisfaction of patients with chronic conditions.
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