2010, Number 1-2
Design and validation of a general form in order to document the discharging plan for the patient affected by a cardiovascular alteration
Puntunet BM, López FL, Domínguez BA, Cadena EJC, Ruíz AC, Teniza ND
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 18-22
PDF size: 219.27 Kb.
Introduction: The activities of the nurse are not summarized in techniques and procedures, go further and include education of people through discharge planning should start before leaving the hospital environment, in order to facilitate their reintegration into society and positively influence the care that every person can exercise over himself. Many of these activities are not documented in the medical record, so there is a need to design and validate a general format that will uncover such activities. Method: We designed an instrument based on the recommendations and interventions described in the literature and by expert consensus and the opinion of the patient, resulted in a checklist to document compliance with discharge planning. We performed a descriptive, transversal and prospective to design and validate a general format of the discharge plan for people with cardiovascular disorders by internal validation through expert consensus, efforts have questioned people who were on pre-high on information needs at their graduation, the analysis was descriptive and summary measures of central tendency. Results: We interviewed a total of 30 people hospitalized were in predischarge, emphasizing education as the main dietary needs 73%, drug therapy 70% and current health problems 60%, on the other hand, Panel considered that the format was convenient 86% and contains important points for the high 89%. Conclusion: The format of discharge plan that is proposed is a tool to ensure effective communication between health professionals at different levels of care and the individual.REFERENCES
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