2010, Number 1-2
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Rev Mex Enf Cardiol 2010; 18 (1-2)
Prevalence of pressure ulcers in patients treated at the Instituto Nacional de Cardiología Ignacio Chávez
Flores MI, De la Cruz OS, Ortega VMC, Hernández MS, Cabrera PMF
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 13-17
PDF size: 210.24 Kb.
Introduction: Pressure ulcers (PU) are lesions that are produced due to tension on the skin when staying in one position during too long. These lesions represent an assistential problem because of their prevalence, besides their impact over the patient’s life quality.
Objectives: To identify the prevalence of pressure ulcers (PP) according to their classification, localization and evolution of the lesions in the patients who have been attended at the Instituto Nacional de Cardiología Ignacio Chávez (INCICh).
Methodology: It was performed a descriptive, transversal and retrospective study of the patients attended at the INCICh who presented PP during the period going from January 2007 to December 2008. The clinical records were reviewed in order to obtain the following data: age, sex, grade of ulcer, type of treatment and evolution. An analysis applying de scriptive statistics was carried out.
Results: One hundred and seventy-three patients presented PP. The 47.3% of these patients were elder than 60 years old. The prevalence was of the 1.4%; the 58.3% of the cases was stratified in grade II and the localization areas were as follows: sacrum, gluteus area (buttocks), and heels. The 73.4% of the cases appeared at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The treatment was applied according to the patient’s particular characteristics; therefore, the resolution time differs among patients.
Conclusion: To put the prevalence into evidence allows to spread the work performed by the infirmary staff of professionals at the INCICh and evaluate the effectiveness of the measures used in the prevention of PP in cardiopathy patients, who are given integral and quality attention in order to avoid complications during their hospitalization.
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