2010, Number 4
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Rev Odont Mex 2010; 14 (4)
Treatment of an avulsed teeth: case report, 5 years follow-up
Cortés GMI, Hernández PJ, Valenzuela EE
Language: Spanish
References: 82
Page: 249-257
PDF size: 294.48 Kb.
Accidents happen frequently in children, causing injuries to periodontal tissues with no dental structure fractures or destruction; in such cases traumatic force is absorbed by support structures and then, periodontal ligament can exhibit since minimal damage as in concussion, to total rupture as in avulsion. When prognosis is established for avulsed teeth, periodontal ligament vitality results much more important than pulpar vitality, and the treatment is focused to re-establish blood supply; that is why those lesions should be treated as soon as possible. A case of an 8 year-old female patient with a traumatism in the maxillary anterior zone is presented. The clinical examination was made at the Pediatric Dentistry Department, DEPeI, UNAM. Upper central right incisor was avulsed, and an opened apex was observed. This teeth was re-implanted on its alveolus, and splinted; the soft tissues were sutured and endodontic treatment was not required. The splint was removed after 14 days. The patient was observed 3, 14 and 19 months later, and then, once a year during 5 years. At the moment, the apex is closed. Vitalometer showed normal values compared to the homologue tooth, and there are neither clinic nor radiographic anomalies.
Conclusion: It is possible to maintain pulpar and periodontal vitality in a re-implanted tooth, as long as the surgical treatment does not exceed one hour.
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