2003, Number 6
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2003; 41 (6)
Cervical Ectopic Pregnancy. A Case Report
Calderón LE, Badillo GB
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 513-516
PDF size: 109.54 Kb.
Cervical ectopic pregnancy is an uncommon complication and represents a serious risk for patients and a challenge to the Obstetrician-Gynecologist. We present the case of a patient with risk for cervical pregnancy. After 9 weeks of gestation, the patient presented clinical symptoms of miscarriage; the ultrasound found a gestational sac at cervical isthmus, and a dead embryo. Dilatation and curettage was carried out, presenting severe transvaginal bleeding. Endocervical compression infusion with ergonovin, and oxy-toxcin did not stop vaginal bleeding and abdominal hysterectomy was done. The histopathology study confirmed the diagnosis. In every patient with a previous cesarean section age > 34, multiple gestation, and dilatation and curettage we recommend, always that this complication must be borne in mind.
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