2010, Number 4
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Med Crit 2010; 24 (4)
Paradigms in maternal death
Briones GJC, Díaz LPM, Gutiérrez VMC, Rodríguez RM
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 185-189
PDF size: 190.76 Kb.
Introduction: A paradigm is a set of concepts and methodologies accepted by discipline in an historical period in particular, applicable throughout its context to an issue of Health publishes national is death mother.
Objective: Display the change observed in maternal mortality in parallel to change public policy and management, and communicate the performance of two State hospitals that achieve lower mortality maternal.
Site: Ixtlahuaca ISEM General Hospital and Gyneco-Obstetrics Hospital IMSS in State of Mexico.
Patients and methods: Is a compilation of State maternal mortality for periods other than the Administration publishes health, contrasting them with results obtained in the past two years the performance of two medical units.
Results: Major cause of maternal; death eclampsia, haemorrhage and arterial hypertension, 86% of deaths occur in hospitals, two hospitals that achieve 0% of maternal mortality and very low perinatal mortality, fifty maternal deaths between different administrations health public.
Discussion: Coordination between health authorities and service providers are the factors that allow you to decrease mortality maternal.
Conclusion: Coordinate political decision-makers decision with academic profile wills, hired in centers mortality decreased hospital.
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