2009, Number 2
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2009; 17 (2)
Patient’s perception about the attention received from nursing staff
Puebla-Viera DC, Ramírez-Gutiérrez A, Ramos-Pichardo P, Moreno-Gómez MT
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 97-102
PDF size: 87.54 Kb.
Background: users perception regarding quality of nursing services is very important and relevance. World Health Organization affirms that nursing is a key piece to perform a true change in the cover and quality of the health services.
Objective: to know the perception that the member of a primary care medicine unit, regarding the received attention from nursing staff.
Methodology: 92 interviews were done to users on the Preventive Medicine Service and External Service from a Primary Care Unit, it was applied a questionnaire which was designed to gather information about the attention received, considering variables like treating with dignity, respect, and professionalism. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics.
Results: in relation with attention received 60.87 % of the sample manifested that it was acceptable, 51.90 % of them considered were not treated with dignity, 46.74 % were treated with no respect, and 46.41 % visualized to the nurse as a little professional.
Conclusions: the perception that users have regarding the attention given by the nursing staff is regular, which shows the necessity of implementing models focus to the patient integral attention the and respect to their rights since nursing schools, to advance to the process of nursing professionalization.
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