2010, Number 3
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Rev Odont Mex 2010; 14 (3)
Orbitofacial rehabilitation in an oncologic patient with biomechanical retention
Juárez MJ, Díaz ACM, Malpica SEB, Echevarría PE
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 193-198
PDF size: 379.59 Kb.
The different oncological treatments in head and neck may result in physical alterations of some anatomical region, particularly in the face, where sometimes the surgery does not provide a physiological and natural rehabilitation, being indicated then prostheses for the replacement of the lost part. The case of a 54 years old male patient, with diagnosis of basosquamous cell carcinoma treated by means of resection wide midfacial that includes exenteration of left orbit, floor of same and maxillectomy of superstructure subsequent to Radiotherapy (RTP). The orbitofacial rehabilitation began with the elaboration of a provisional prostheses that covered all the defect during the healing and once the patient improved, the diurnal and nocturnal orbitofacial prostheses was elaborated with biomechanical retention and an intermediate framework combined with neodymium/iron/boron (NIB) magnets, making easier the exchange between one and another prostheses. The self-esteem of the patient and his emotional and social state were improved.
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