1995, Number 2
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Vet Mex 1995; 26 (2)
Assessment of Fasciola hepatica egg reduction in faeces of ovines treated with closantel and nitroxinil
Cerrud SNI, Quiroz-Romero H
Language: English/Spanish
References: 16
Page: 151-154
PDF size: 327.61 Kb.
Text Extraction
With the aim to determine egg reduction of
Fasciola hepatica in ovines, closantel and nitroxinil were administered during a one hundred day period. Twenty-one naturally infested lambs with
F. hepatica were divided in three groups. Group A was treated with 5 mg/kg of closantel; Group B was treated with 10 mg/kg of nitroxinil, and Group C was the control. Faecal samples were individually evaluated five days before the treatment and 20, 40, 55, 70, 85 and 100 days after the treatment. The effect was assessed by faecal egg count on day 20 with an efficacy of 99.45% using closantel, whereas 96.39% was found using nitroxinil. The intensive effect during 40 and 100 days in Group A was 100% to 74.90%, respectively and in Group B it was 99.74% to 29.24% (P ‹ 0.05). In the same period the extensive effect was 85.72% to 42.86% for closantel and 85.72% to 0% for nitroxinil.
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