2008, Number 2
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Alerg Asma Inmunol Pediatr 2008; 17 (2)
Prevalence and factors associated with allergic rhinitis and dermatitis in children
Huerta LJG, Del Olmo TH, Valdés BDA
Language: Spanish
References: 80
Page: 54-64
PDF size: 384.40 Kb.
The prevalence of allergic diseases has increased during the last forty years and it is estimated that, in the developed world, almost the 25% of all the children present certain form of allergic problems. Even though the prevalence of allergic diseases is increasing all over the world, up to the extent of calling this phenomenon “allergic epidemic”, this disorder takes different forms in developing countries and in the developed ones. In 1989, Strachan proposes that the lack of maturation in the immune system and the stimuli from certain infections increase allergic diseases. Health theory argues that the increase of allergic diseases is related to a decrease in the exposure to germs. These researches have detected factors related to rhinitis and atopic dermatitis, such as sex hormones during pregnancy, which may favor the development of allergic diseases during prebubertal stage; the male gender shows a high prevalence of allergy sensibility. In the case of mother’s breastfeeding, some articles report a preventive effect, while others report a partial effect, relapse infections at any sites favor the generation of cytokines inhibiting a Th2-specific response. There are differences in the intestinal micro flora (or “gut flora”) composition of allergic and non-allergic children. There is also a controversy about whether to have pets during childhood. There is an effect associated with active nicotinism and the presence of asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema. Other problems, such as autoimmune diseases, pollution and stress, induce allergic diseases too.
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