1995, Number 1
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Vet Mex 1995; 26 (1)
Biochemical polymorphism of haemoglobins, transferrins and serum albumins in Zebu 'minicows ' (Bos indicus) through electrophoresis in starch gel in Mexico
Arochi BE, Velázquez EA, Berruews VJM
Language: English/Spanish
References: 23
Page: 31-36
PDF size: 786.90 Kb.
Blood samples from Zebu "minicows" (
Bos indicus), from 5 males and 9 females, were taken in order to determine electrophoretic patterns of the three biochemical polymorphic systems through zonal starch gel electrophoresis. As polymorphic proteins: transferrins and haemoglobins were found, nevertheless, serum albumins only showed one electrophoretic pattern. Alleles more frequently found were: Transferrins, Tfd; haemoglobins, HbB and albumins, only AB. Some differences, as well as resemblances, to the established traditional electrophoretic pattern for these proteins in Zebu cattle were also detected.
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