2009, Number 4
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2009; 10 (4)
Significados del bienestar subjetivo en trabajadoras de la economía informal (tianguis) en Guadalajara, México
Contreras EMI, Aldrete RMG, Torres LTM, Rodríguez SML
Language: Spanish
References: 29
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The objective of this study was to explore the social meanings of subjective in the informal economy (
street marker or tianguis) of the city of Guadalajara, Mexico women welfare. Case with naturalist generalization, study selected by propositive sampling. 7-12 Food vendors focus groups were conducted in three tianguis. Analysis of the information was through thematic content, with the support of the ATLAS.TI programme. The results include women expressed the desire to change your life, say feel concerned, tired and stress. Indicate that there are feelings of pride, love, happiness and joy to this type of work. The satisfaction of the health domain is present in some of them, while others symbolized it as situation of anger and justified not have time to perform medical check some of them practice some sport healthy purposes. Participants visibilizan this little recognized and sacrificed work. Indicate that they are willing to receive information to be better in their families and continue the fight against all the adversities of inequality and inequity labour.
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