2009, Number 4
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Rev Med Hosp Gen Mex 2009; 72 (4)
Chondroid syringoma with hyaline cell changes. Report of a case
Gutiérrez-Díaz-Ceballos ME, Cruz-Ortiz H, Carrera-González E, Gómez-Velázquez FJ, Murguía PM
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 211-214
PDF size: 126.10 Kb.
The chondroid syringoma is a benign tumor of the skin adnexae, originated in the sweat glands and is similar to the mixed tumor of the salivary glands. It is made up of a mesenchymal myxochondroid component and another of epithelial nature which forms tubular structures. Ocassionally contains eosinophilic cells, which can be mistaken with carcinoma or melanoma cells. With the aid of electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry, it is proposed that these cells derive from epithelial and myoepithelial cells.
A case of recurrence after 10 years of its surgical removal is reported, with histological appearance of a malignant neoplasm.
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XX Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Anatomía Patológica.