2001, Number 2
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Alerg Asma Inmunol Pediatr 2001; 10 (2)
Assessment of Klebsiella pneumoniae glycoprotein efficacy in recurrent infections
Saracho Wf, Vázquez Rv, Ayala Bc
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 33-39
PDF size: 354.84 Kb.
The therapy based on immune stimulation represents a good alternative to prevent and reduce the infectious episodes of the respiratory tract.
Klebsiella pneumoniae glycoproteins extracts have an immunostimulant action, since they work at the antibodies synthesis level, in the humoral immunity and the phagocytosis.
An open, multicentric, comparative, randomised, double blind trial with placebo was carried out. The treatment was administered for 8 consecutive days in a month, during 3 months, at doses of 2 capsules of
K. pneumoniae glycoprotein of 1 mg per day, or placebo, the patients were evaluated at intervals of three, nine and twelve months.
Five hundred twenty four subjects (female and male) were included in the trial, in two groups: children and young people (above 2 years and below 18 years old) and adults (above 18 years old).
The results showed that the patients treated with K. pneumoniae glycoprotein extract had a statistically significant reduction (p ≤ 0.05) in relation with the group that was treated with placebo, in the following evaluated symptoms: Average in the number and duration of the infectious episodes, in the number of treatments with antibiotics, dysphagia, body temperature, nasal secretion, cough, pain, purulent expectoration volume and the mebrane tympanic aspect.
The immunotherapy based on
K. pneumoniae glycoproteins extract showed major efficacy in the group of children and young people.
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