2003, Number 4
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2003; 4 (4)
La variedad de alimentos disponibles en el hogar: Metodología para identificar vulnerabilidad a la inseguridad alimentaría y nutricional en hogares campesinos
Álvarez UMC, Restrepo BLF
Language: Spanish
References: 31
PDF size: 184.33 Kb.
It was evaluated the variability of food availability as predictor of alimentary sufficiency at 150 country homes from Antioquia-Colombia. The survey was descriptive, longitudinal and prospective. It was carried out in three stages with intervals of 5 months and the weekly family availability of foods was obtained. Alimentary security was evaluated with criterion of magnitude and importance proposed by FAO. It was considered low variability of different available foods in the families when it was under percentile 75 and it was considered appropriate when it was percentile 75 or higher. Sensibility, specificity and accuracy of dietetic variety with respect to alimentary security were evaluated. A model of lineal regression without interceptor was designed. It was found that the mean of food variety was 22±6, 23±7 and 25±7 in the first, second and third follow up. In the three stages the diversity of foods and per capita availability of calories were related. In the first stage it was obtained an r=0.538 (p‹0.000), the sensibility was 0.78 and the specificity was 0.55. In the second one r=0.531 (p‹0.000), the sensibility was o.77 and the specificity was 0.46. With the regression model, a correlation coefficient for each follow up was obatined. Food variability is a useful indicator to evaluate vulnerability in alimentary insecurity of country homes.
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