2004, Number 2
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2004; 5 (2)
Efecto del ácido ascórbico sobre la actividad de la lipoproteín lipasa y su impacto en el desarrollo de enfermedades cardiovasculares
Calderón ERI, Gutiérrez RA, Cruz CCS, Acuy YMS
Language: Spanish
References: 49
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The objective was to evaluate the ascorbic acid influence (AA) on lipid metabolism and the protect effect against the risk of cardiovascular diseases development. During 7 weeks we fed Sprague Dawley male albine rats with normal (total fat 8%) and fatty (total fat 13%) diets under 14 mg. of ascorbic acid administration. We analized the lipemic and lipoproteinemic levels and lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity. We evalued the variation between treatments by means of Tukey and Dunnett’s test. In addition we realized the correlation analysis between the seric vitamin C leves and the LPL activity against the seric colesterol and lipoprotein distribution. Finally we are estimated the coronary disease risk. A significant weak of adiposse tissue LPL activity were observed in ascorbic acid supplement rats, associated with a significant reduction of lipemic, triacilglicerolemic and colesterolemic level, LDL and VLDL; where as HLD increased. In addition the seric ascorbate and LPL activity shown a direct correlation with HDL and a inverse correlation with LDL and Colesterol. The ascorbic acid role in the lipidic metaboslism is declared in the LPL activation. The ascorbic acid administration disminishes in 12-37% the risk of coronary diseases and others dislipidemias directlly oriented by adiposse LPL activation.
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