2000, Number 3
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Salud Mental 2000; 23 (3)
Los “Niños Callejeros”. Una visión de sí mismos vinculada al uso de las drogas
Domínguez M, Romero M, Paul G
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 20-28
PDF size: 152.03 Kb.
“Street kids” can be found in the daily routine of the metropolitan area of Mexico City: in subway stations, in bus terminals, living under a bridge or inside sewers. The are the result of human action, of the social, economic, political and cultural situation of our society. These kids survive in the street in harmful and hazardous conditions; they make marginal economy activities and frequently consume some type of drug, mainly solvent inhalants that damage their physical and mental health.
The present research work is an approach to the life conditions of the “street kids” and to the their vision of themselves in relation with their reality. For achieving this objective it a nine month field work was necessary in orden to establish a direct relation with a group to twenty male minors that lived and performed their activities near the Tacuba subway station in Mexico City. We gathered as much information as possible in relation to their lives on the street and at school, and on their family of origin.
Among other issues, the type of relation they have with their social environment; their different activities and their behaviour among them selves and in front of others was observed. Using recorded in depth interviews we tried to find out in detail what cosmovision they have of their own reality, by gathering information on their way of thinking, what they think and the content of their thoughts. We also tried to identify their slang which is linked to their own identity; and also the meaning they give to drugs.
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