2000, Number 2
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Salud Mental 2000; 23 (2)
Efectos residuales de la administración de hipnóticos sobre los patrones electroencefalográficos (PEEG) de voluntarios sanos
Vera F, Navarro JF, Luna-Villegas G, Fernández-Mas R, Fernández-Guardiola A
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 31-35
PDF size: 151.43 Kb.
The aim of this study was to assess the possible residual effects of a single nocturnal administration of benzodiazepine (diazepam 10 mg) and non-benzodiazepine hypnotics (zolpidem 10 mg; zopiclone 7.5 mg; GABOB 500 mg) on cortical activation 9 and 33 h after oral intake in healthy volunteers, using an extended Youden square design. The electro-encephalographic segments (EEG) delimited by a sequence of photic stimuli presented every 10 sec during a simple reaction-time task (37 min duration) were classified into nine cerebral patterns (EEGP). EEGP segment classifications were grouped into six transitions: (1) alpha-blockade, (2) alphapersistence, (3) beta-persistence, (4) alpha-induction, (5) activation, and (6) deactivation. The results indicated that GABOB provoked significant changes in EEGP transitions, similar to those usually showed by benzodiazepines. Zolpidem produced a significant amount of alpha blockades 33 h after its administration. By contrast, diazepam and zopiclone did not modify significantly cortical EEG activity.
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