2009, Number 5
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Rev Mex Oftalmol 2009; 83 (5)
Parálisis del tercer par con afección pupilar secundaria a herpes zoster. A propósito de un caso
Miguelena-Muro DE
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 318-321
PDF size: 116.99 Kb.
The neurological complications caused by the varicela zoster virus, excluding the post herpetic neuralgia and the aseptic meningitis, are rare and varied. In the literature cases of peripheral neuropathies, cranial nerves paralysis, meningoencephalitis, Guillan-Barre’s syndrome and Reye´s syndrome are reported. The case of an elderly women who starts with a corneal lesion which evolves into herpes zoster ophthalmicus with affection of the third cranial nerve is presented. The patient was hospitalized to rule out a neoplasic or vascular pathology. ll the tests were negative and the evolution favourable. In this case the herpes zoster infection was the origin of the pupilar affection.
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