2009, Number 2
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Vet Mex 2009; 40 (2)
Comparison of the mineral content in forage and soil of grazing areas in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico
Cabrera TEJ, Sosa REE, Castellanos RAF, Gutiérrez BÁO, Ramírez SJH
Language: English/Spanish
References: 30
Page: 167-179
PDF size: 290.88 Kb.
The objective of this study was to determine the amount of macro and micro minerals in forages growing in three areas of the state of Quintana Roo, north (N), center (C) and south (S) and the most important forage species that grow in those areas. One hundred and eight pasture samples and 68 soil samples were collected in 45 farm units. All minerals were analyzed with atomic absorption spectrometer, except P which was analyzed by colorimetric method. Variables were analyzed using GLM procedures and means were compared using Duncan Multiple Range Test. Forage species more frequently found were
Brachiaria brizantha, 73.3%;
Cynodon plectostachyus, 31.1%;
Pennisetum purpureum, 31.1%;
Panicum maximum var Tanzania, 26.6%;
P. maximum var Mombasa, 15.5%;
P. maximum var Guinea, 13.3%;
Brachiaria mutica, 11.1%; and
Brachiaria humidicola, 11.1%. Low Ca, P and Mg levels were found in both pastures and soil, where as K and Fe were extremely abundant. Specific deficiencies of Mn (N), Zn (C) and Cu (C and S) were also found. In conclusion, there are serious imbalances in the mineral content of forages that can be solved distributing mineral supplements to animals on pasture rich in Ca, P and Mg, and free of K and Fe, depending to the different state areas, Mn, Zn and Cu should be added.
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