2009, Number 3
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Gac Med Mex 2009; 145 (3)
Mucormicosis en un paciente con agranulocitosis secundaria a metimazol. Informe de un caso
Ramírez C, Hernández AF, Méndez V, Trejo S, Contreras R, Espinosa Monteros AL, Gómez LM, Mercado M
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 235-238
PDF size: 100.27 Kb.
Agranulocytosis is a rare side effect of antithyroid drugs, it occurs in less than 0.5% of patients, usually during the first few months of treatment. It is considered to be the most serious adverse effect of these medications since it may be complicated by serious, lifethreatening infections. Mucormycosis is a severe mycotic infection that usually develops in immunocompromised hosts, such as patients with diabetes mellitus, hematologic malignancies or immunosuppressive therapy. The association of mucormycosis with methimazole-induced agranulocytosis has not been previously described. The objective of this case presentation is to analyze the case of a woman with diffuse toxic goiter and methimazole-induced agranulocytosis who developed rhino-palatal mucormycosis.
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