2008, Number 3
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Rev Mex Enf Cardiol 2008; 16 (3)
The continuous education and the training of the professional infirmary
Puntunet BM, Domínguez BA
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 115-117
PDF size: 86.27 Kb.
The educational process accompanying the human being since the origin, is an integral part of life and occurs on a continuous, dynamic, and at different times and spaces. For many years the educational process in nursing has been based on behaviorism, learning by repetition and authoritarian essence, however, the current response to a constructivist theory, where the nurses are critical and analytical practice. This requires the implementation of an educational revolution, which allows the amalgamation of prior learning, experience and personal characteristics and institutional requirements.
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Skinner BF. Sobre el conductismo. Barcelona: Fontanella. 1997.
Wertsch J. Vigotsky y la formación social de la mente. México: Paidós; 1988.
Chakraborty N, Sinha BN, Nizamie SH, Sinha VK, Katar S y Binha B. Effectiveness of continuing nursing education program in child psychiatry. J Child Adolesc Psychiatric Nurs 2006; 19(1): 21-8.
Robertson EM, Higgins L, Rozmus C, Robinson JP. Association between continuing education and job satisfaction of nurses employed in long-term care facilities. J Cont Educ Nurs 1999; 30(3): 108-13.