2009, Number S1
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Rev Mex Anest 2009; 32 (S1)
Differential diagnosis of postpartum headaches
MacArthur A
Language: English
References: 56
Page: 16-23
PDF size: 88.32 Kb.
Text Extraction
Postpartum headache is the occurrence of cephalic, neck or shoulder pain during the period of time from placental delivery to six weeks postpartum. The incidence of postpartum headache during the six week postpartum period has yet to be evaluated in a prospective study, however, recent literature is available from a prospective evaluation of women during the first week postpartum and from a prospectively collected database evaluating symptoms during pregnancy until one week postdelivery. Goldszmidt et al reported an 38.7% (381 of 985 women studied) incidence of postpartum headache during the first week. The median time to onset of symptoms was two days and median duration of headache was four hours. Benhamou et al examined information collected on 2,924 women, excluding women with recognized dural punctures, premature deliveries, multiple gestation, or scheduled for elective cesarean delivery. Headache was reported by 12% of 1,058 patients who had epidural anesthesia without dural puncture and by 15% of 140 patients who delivered without epidural anesthesia.
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