2008, Number 6
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Gac Med Mex 2008; 144 (6)
Un médico rural: Una posible lectura ética en el 125 aniversario del nacimiento de Franz Kafka
Álvarez-Díaz JA
Language: Spanish
References: 93
Page: 549-559
PDF size: 82.70 Kb.
Within the framework of the 125 anniversary of the birth of Franz Kafka we discuss his work as a patient affected by tuberculosis. This essay outlines a review of Kafka as a writer and explains the meaning of the term “Kafkaesque”. We put forward a commentary on the ethics expressed in a short story entitled A country doctor. An interpretation of Kafka must involve the notion of responsibility, theological concept that is then followed by the legal context. Finally, Kafka embraces an ethical approach expressed in his work.
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