2008, Number 1
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Perinatol Reprod Hum 2008; 22 (1)
La psicopatología del parto
Brockington I
Language: Spanish
References: 50
Page: 58-69
PDF size: 240.93 Kb.
The stage of labor and delivery can be associated with a number of emotional and behavioral difficulties in the mother-to-be. Several of these conditions are described with the intent of helping the practicing clinician to recognize and address them. Some are associated with the fear of delivery and the intense pain associated with it. Others are due to alterations in the state of consciousness of the mother, or with psycho-physiological phenomena during delivery, such as the effect of sleep deprivation, exhaustion, prolonged delivery or the psychosocial circumstances surrounding the birth of the baby. A number of historical case vignettes are presented; highlighting the fact the conditions presented in the case material are similar to many situations encountered every day in developing countries.
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