2007, Number 1-2
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Plasticidad y Restauración Neurológica 2007; 6 (1-2)
Continuos medical education. Part 2. Education for the health, professionalism, tryning, service
Aguilar RF
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 15-21
PDF size: 117.30 Kb.
Continuous Medical Education is the medium to kept at physician in the current exercise of the medicine claims with insistence to maintain, to develop and to increase the knowledge that credited in its moment, on one hand, we have the inexhaustible growth of scientific knowledge that you/they are formulated to each instant they are investigated and they pass to the land of the application.
On the other hand, the incessant advance of new technological resources of utility so much in the diagnostic sphere as therapy of the diverse illnesses in any area of the medical knowledge and that without a doubt, they have facilitated in great measure the professional work.
The continuous medical Education should it turns as a remedy to the formative deficiencies, a directive intervention to correct deviations, a strategy to renovate behaviors like a system of improvement of the knowledge in the health to always offer the patients the best thing.
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