2001, Number 4
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Rev Mex Anest 2001; 24 (4)
Etofenamato: Características farmacologícas y clinicas de la formulación intramuscular
Herrera GL, Guevara LU, Torres GRA
Language: Spanish
References: 45
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Etofenamate is a flufenamic acid-derived compound, belonging to the compounds derived from the anthranilic acid. This compound was originally used as a formulation for oral route administration, and later on as cream or gel for topical use. However, the pharmacological characteristics were improved by combining middle-chain triglycerides, leading to a compound for i.v. administration which improved the therapeutical profile of this non-steroidal antiinflammatory drug, being outstanding not only for inhibiting the cyclooxygenase route but, in a parallel way, for inhibiting also the lipooxygenase route. The physical-chemical, pharmacological and clinical characteristics are revised in this document.
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