2008, Number 4
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2008; 9 (4)
Evaluación de los pesos específicos de factores de riesgo en el bajo peso al nacer en la ciudad de Mérida, Yucatán, México. Estudio de casos y controles
Franco MJ, Barrera PMA, Trujillo TXAR, Huerta VM, Trujillo HB
Language: Spanish
References: 139
PDF size: 106. Kb.
To assess multivariately the specific weights (SW) of nineteen risk factors (RF) in the low birth weight. Analytical observational epidemiologic study of cases and controls with effect
®RF directionality and prospective temporality. We studied 24,676 newborns (1,161 cases and 23,515 controls). All terminal newborn (37 £ gestation weeks £ 41) weighting < 2,500 g and with a weight ³ 2,500 g was defined, respectively, as case and control. In order to assess the SW of the RF, values from the odds ratios (OR) of the multiple logistic regression model were used. Values of OR > 1 indicates the positive contribution of the RF maternal age ³ 36 years, maternal weight < 50 kg, maternal height < 150 cm, pathological personal antecedents, age at first menstruation £ 12 years, number of childbirths = 1, number of childbirths ³ 5, abortion(s) antecedents, pathological obstetric antecedents, intergenesic interval £ 24 months, low socioeconomic level, unmarried civil state, addiction to tobacco, alcoholism, beginning of prenatal attention starting gestation week No. 20, number of prenatal consultations £ 5, abdominal type of delivery or birth tract, and female gender of the newborn. It was determined that the SW of the RF are from the least to the most important: abdominal type of delivery or birth tract, beginning of prenatal attention starting gestation week No. 20, abortion(s) antecedents, pathological obstetric antecedents, number of prenatal consultations £ 5, maternal age ³ 36 years, female gender of the newborn, number of childbirths = 1, low socioeconomic level, pathological personal antecedents, age at first menstruation £ 12 years, unmarried civil state, addiction to tobacco, number of childbirths ³ 5, intergenesic interval £ 24 months, maternal weight < 50 kg, alcoholism, and maternal height < 150 cm.
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Moore, M.L., et. al., Op. cit.
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