2008, Number 4
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2008; 9 (4)
Identificación molecular de probioticos aislados de alimentos y suplementos: comparación con métodos bioquímicos
Martínez-Barragán IK, González-Martínez BE, Campos-Góngora E, Barba RAP, Jiménez-Salas Z
Language: Spanish
References: 22
PDF size: 291.46 Kb.
Probiotic microorganisms are used in probiotic food that exert positive health effects. Traditionally, the identification of these microorganisms is by classical biochemistry methods, notwithstanding, these methods are time consuming and the identification is not to subspecies level, hence, recently molecular methods are been used for this propose. The goal of this work was the identification by Polimerase Chain Reaction (PCR) of probiotic microorganism’s strains from genus Lactobacillus isolates from food and supplements and that were previously identify by biochemical methods. From 12 strains analyzed, only 11 (91.6%) were identified by PCR, the other one (8.3%) could not be identified with the used primers. Seven strains (58.3%) agreed on the identification by both methods; 2 of them belong to
L. casei subsp. rhamnosus and 5 to
L. acidophilus. One strain previously identified as
L. acidophilus was identified by PCR as
L. casei subsp. c casei. Of the 4 strains that were identified by API as
L. paracasei, one was
L. casei subsp. rhamnosus, two L. casei subsp. casei and another could not be identified by PCR. The results show that there were discrepancies between the biochemistry and molecular identification of species of Lactobacillus analyzed. This highlights the need to use specific techniques that allow a good identification of these microorganisms to ensure the appropriate use of the beneficial effects of probiotics.
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