2008, Number 3
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2008; 9 (3)
Detección, caracterización serológica y antibiogramas de Escherichia coli aisladas de carne de ternera (babilla) entera y picada
Maria KC, Maia FR, Trindade OLA, Valente AM, Carvalho JCAP, Conte-Junior CA
Language: Spanish
References: 43
PDF size: 122.29 Kb.
The outbreaks of foodborne diseases constitute a target of concern to the food industries and to the public health agencies. Pathogenic variants of Escherichia coli are usually present in the intestinal tract of animals, making possible the contamination of the carcass and meat cuts during slaughtering or by inadequate processing. The importance of meat as human food associated to the needs of having a safety food which is not capable to cause illnesses, had induced to the development of this research with the objective to detect, to characterize the serogrupos and to make antibiograms of strains of E. coli. Thirty samples of beef (heart of rump) sold in supermarkets and butchers of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) were analysed. Of these samples, 15 were composed by whole beef and 15 were grounded in each own establishment. Different methodologies for the biochemical and serologically confirmation were used. After identification, the strains were also tested for antibiotic susceptibility. In relation to the samples analysed, 100% of them were contaminated with total coliforms and five of them (16.7%) did not detect fecal coliforms. The count of total coliforms and E. coli fluctuated from 4.0x103 to 1.1x106 and 0 to 2.4x103 in whole meat, respectively, whereas in ground beef, it was from 4.4x103 to 2.5x107 and 0 to 3.0x105, respectively. In relation to the methodology used, the second method was more efficient than the third method, because it presented a greater number of confirmed colonies. Using the second method, we isolated 52 strains of enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), eight strains of enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC) and one strain of enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC). The strains of E. coli isolated and characterized as pathogenic displayed great spectrum of antibiotic resistance, mainly to ampiciline (11.32%), cefalotin (11.11%) and amicacine (10.06%). The presence of the serogroups of E. coli in the examined samples stands out the need of programs of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), Sanitation Standard Operation Procedures (SSOP), and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP); to preserve the consumer’s health.
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