2008, Number 2
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2008; 9 (2)
Asociación geográfica entre la mortalidad por criptosporidiosis y deficiencias en la nutrición en el estado de Chihuahua (Mèxico)
Torres-Olave ME, Urita O, Sanin LH, Alarcón HMT
Language: Spanish
References: 38
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This work presents data collected in the year 2000 regarding mortality associated with Cryptosporidiosis and dietary deficiencies, two public health concerns, and it attempts to establish the factors that play a role in this phenomenon. The purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between mortality caused by Cryptosporidiosis and mortality caused by dietary deficiencies in the state of Chihuahua, Mexico, according to age groups and geographic distribution. The geographic information systems methods used to approach this epidemiological problem represent and important contribution. They demonstrate the usefulness of collegiate work in sharing databases that help establish the causality of a phenomenon at a low cost. The distribution by age group allowed the researchers to observe that those individuals in the most extreme age groups are the most affected. The maps objectively indicate how the damage concentrates in most of the municipalities, with the exception of Cryptosporidiosis in the municipalities of Namiquipa, Guachochi and Ojinaga. The concentration encompasses different physical zones: municipalities in the sierra region, in the desert region, and the south central region of the state of Chihuahua. We infer that the only common denominator is the social environment: the poverty and vulnerability of senior individuals and children.
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