2007, Number 2
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Perinatol Reprod Hum 2007; 21 (2)
Guía clínica de intervención psicológica del embarazo en la adolescencia
Díaz-Franco E
Language: Spanish
References: 58
Page: 100-110
PDF size: 109.35 Kb.
In the present work answer to four questions occurs on the phenomenon of the pregnancy during the adolescence, formulated in order to know: the problem in Mexico; to recognize the factors associated in particular the family, the sexual conduct and attitude towards the contraception, the relation of pair, the problematic in children of adolescent mothers, the medical risks, the conducts of risk of pregnancy in adolescent, as well as the emotional and psychological answer; the actions of prevention and the group psychotherapy with pregnant adolescents. The questions were formulated of the following way: what is the adolescent pregnancy?, which is the incidence in Mexico and the INPer?, which are the factors associated to the adolescent pregnancy?, which is the suitable psychological treatment for the pregnant adolescents?
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