2008, Number 4
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Rev Med Hosp Gen Mex 2008; 71 (4)
Physical-physiological bases of the pulmonary physical exploration and its future in the medical current practice
Camacho AJ, Urquieta OEF, Martínex GDI
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 214-224
PDF size: 0. Kb.
In actual medicine it has been minimized the importance of an integral physical exploration of the sick, due to lack of time, excess of work and/or abuse of auxiliary diagnostic methods intended to offer optimum results to the sick. The present paper alludes to the physical-physiological bases of the thorax physical exploration, demonstrating that the procedures performed during the physical exploration of the sick promote the pathophysiological correlation, support the diagnosis and improve patient-medical relation. From Von Auenbrugger to the original descriptions of great French and German clinicians, this paper is a meticulous contribution for a good medical practice.
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