2008, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2008; 50 (6)
Work-family relationships and health in working women
Feldman L, Vivas E, Lugli Z, Zaragoza J, Gómez OV
Language: Spanish
References: 44
Page: 482-489
PDF size: 571.14 Kb.
Objective. To study the relationship between gratifications and interferences generated in the work-family relationship and its impact on working women’s health.
Material and Methods. A non-experimental, correlational design was used. A group of 402 working women between 27 and 71 years of age were tested in Caracas, Venezuela during 2006, to measure work-family relationship, self-esteem, anxiety, depression, wellbeing, health perception and number of symptoms.
Results. It was found that the gratifications in the work-family relationship are related to better wellbeing and self-esteem, less depression, anxiety and symptom report. Presence of more interferences was associated with more depression, anxiety and number of symptoms.
Conclusions. These results give an indication of protective and risk factors for multiple-role women’s health and could provide some guidelines for intervention programs.
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