2007, Number 2
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Rev Neurol Neurocir Psiquiat 2007; 40 (2)
The art therapy as a psycotherapeutic resource in cancer patients
Zenil GB, Alvarado AS
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 56-63
PDF size: 59.24 Kb.
Art-therapy is born from the union of artistic and phsycological techniques. It is common for the cancer patient who faces several losses who does not have the possibility to elaborate them adequately, to see his phsycological equilibrium and coping abilities unbalanced in deterioration of his quality of life. In some cases he has difficulty (for diverse causes) to express his emotional pain verbally, this therapy offers alternatives to manage these conflicts and express them through artistic activities such as: painting, modeling, sculpting, writing, dancing, theatre, etc, the patient can manipulate emotions, thoughts and feelings, using his imagination to transform his perception over his reality and adapt to it in an easier manner. In cancer patients it has allowed a significant reduction of the levels of distress caused by the sickness and increase their quality of life. Nevertheless it is necessary to conduct prospective studies in Mexico that allow the evaluation of the functionality of the technique in our population.
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